Refund & Cancellation Policies

Guarantee of Satisfaction:

NGBTech is committed to ensuring 100% customer satisfaction. Should there be any duplicate charges due to processing errors, unmet unique design requests, or a failure to deliver your design order in accordance with our delivery policy, the entire design order amount will be fully refunded.

Non-Refundable Services:

NGBTEch cannot refund for services already provided, which include website designs, creative services, social media endeavors, graphic works, logo creation, content writing, and other related services. Our approach focuses on offering you the most effective digital exposure. While we pledge to use top-tier digital marketing techniques, it’s essential to understand that long-term engagements will provide the best results, including improved rankings and increased traffic.

Third-Party Disclaimers:

NGBTEch operates independently and does not control the policies or practices of third-party platforms such as Google, Google My Business, Yelp, Trip Advisor, and other similar directories. Furthermore, we have no control over social media platforms like Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, GETTR, Rumble, and their ilk.

Client Responsibilities:

Clients are responsible for all content, images, social media content, and graphics associated with their website(s). Furthermore, clients bear the risk and responsibility for any content that NGBTEch posts on social media platforms on their behalf. For further details on how we manage client data, please refer to our client privacy page.

Monthly Plans Cancellation Policy:

Clients subscribed to NGBTEch’s monthly plan can cancel it by providing written notice 30 days in advance. Please note that partial monthly payments are non-refundable. Any cancellation will only take effect after the 30-day notice period, during which clients will be billed for services rendered.

14-Day Free Trial:

NGBTEch offers a 14-day free trial. Following this period, payments become due. Cancellations can be made directly through the system settings or by submitting a ticket before the scheduled payment date. All charges are billed in advance for the upcoming month.

For any inquiries or clarifications about our Refund and Cancellation Policy, please contact us.

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